7 October
10:00 KIDsFEST
Zsigmond Vilmos screen
16:30 Week of Hungarian Cinematographers
Árni (18)
Hungarian drama, 100 min., 2023 Dir: Vermes Dorka DoP: Lehr Juhász Péter
Csőke József screen
18:30 Week of Hungarian Cinematographers
Átjáróház / Halfway Home (16)
Hungarian romantic comedy, 2022 Dir: Madarász Isti DoP: Garai Gábor
Csőke József screen
8 October
41 Dobó street, Szeged, 6725
Január 2. / January 2 (12) Hungarian drama, 2024, 88 min.
After the screening Q&A with director Szilágyi Zsófia and Sághy Miklós, lecturer of the University of Szeged (in Hungarian)
Zsigmond Vilmos screen
16:00 In Competition / Feature Films
Hungarian drama, 2023, 109 min. Dir: Fésös András, Dop: Szatmári Péter
Balázs Béla screen
16:30 Week of Hungarian Cinematographers
Böll közlegény megmentése / Saving of Private Böll (16)
Hungarian documentary, 75 min., 2023 Dir: Szederkényi Olga, DoP: Bordás Róbert
Csőke József screen
18:00 Week of Hungarian Cinematographers
Magyarázat mindenre / Explanation for Everything (16)
Hungarian drama, 2023, 151 min., Dir: Reisz Gábor, DoP: Becsey Kristóf
Csőke József screen
18:30 In Competition / Feature Films
MOC / POWER (16)
Slovakian-Hungarian political thriller, 2023, 88 min. Dir: Prikler Mátyás, DoP: Pálos Gergely
Balázs Béla screen
20:25 In Competition / Short Films 65’
Kellemes apokalipszist! / Have a Nice Apocalypse! (Hungary 2023, 26’) Szép sárga / Pretty Yellow (Hungary, 2023, 12’) Rain of Flowers, the Pirates and the Witch's Treasure (Mexikó, 2023, 17’) Edith (Hungary, 2023, 9')
Balázs Béla screen
20:45 Student Films - 1. block
Kaktuszember / Cactusman 47', The Cathedral 6', Az utolsó lélek az ördögé / The Last Soul Belongs to the Devil 38'
Q&A with the filmmakers
Csőke József screen
9 October
10:00 KIDsFEST
Zsigmond Vilmos screen
10:00 CinProCaS®
Presentation about the Studio Desktop version
11:00 In Competition / Short Films 60'
New Planet (Belgium, 2024, 14’) Tribu (Spain, 2023, 22’) When a Rocket Sits on the Launchpad (China/USA, 2023, 12’) Reminiscence (Litvania, 2024, 12’)
Balázs Béla screen
13:00 In Competition / Documentaries
Szabadító / Rescuer (12)
Hungarian documentary, 2022, 84 min. Dir: Hajnal Gergely, DoP: Petrik András
Béla Balázs Screen
14:45 In Competition / Documentaries
Fanni kertje / Fairy Garden
Hungarian documentary, 2023, 83 min., Dir: Somogyvári Gergő, DoP: Somogyvári Gergő
Béla Balázs Screen
16:05 In Competition / Documentaries
O culto Hungarian/Portuguese/Belgian documentary, 2023, 17' Dir: Németh Viktor, DoP: Németh Viktor
Q&A with the filmmakers
Béla Balázs Screen
15:00 Week of Hungarian Cinematographers
Valami madarak / Some Birds
Hungarian drama, comedy, 2023, 90' Dir: Hevér Dániel, DoP: Nagy Marcell
Csőke József screen
17:00 In Competition / Short Films 59'
Wednesday (Hungary, 2023, 6’) Éhség / Hunger (Hungary, 2023, 13’) Radikálás / Radicalisation (Hungary, 2023, 10’) Sárkánykor / Age of the Dragon (Hungary, 2023, 30’)
Q&A with the filmmakers
Béla Balázs Screen
18:35 With Female Eyes
Q&A: Csepeli Eszter, Mécs Mónika, Szilágyi Zsófia
Moderator: Mesterházy Lili
Csőke József Screen
19:00 In Competition / Feature Films
Völker Körper Stoff / Sudarium German-Hungarian drama, 2024, 120' Dir: Spielmann Lea, DoP: Kis Márton
Béla Balázs Screen
20:00 Best of FRISS HÚS
Diamond Beauty - 30', Apád - 16', Az utca másik vége - 22', Felfáztam - 23', Cicaharc - 18'
Csőke József screen
20:30 Academy Award-winning Cinematographers (Student Movie Night)
American Beauty (16)
American drama, satire, 1999, 112' Dir: Sam Mendes, DoP: Conrad L. Hall
Zsigmond Vilmos screen
21:30 In Competition / Feature Films
Lefkovicsék gyászolnak / All About the Levkoviches (12)
Hungarian comedy/drama, 2024, 85' Dir: Breier Ádám, DoP: Dévényi Zoltán
Balázs Béla screen
10 October
10.00 KIDsFEST
Zsigmond Vilmos screen
10:00 In Competition / Feature Films
Devil in the Lake
South-Korea, horror, 2022, 112' Dir: Se-woong Tak, DoP:Ju-Yeol Han
Balázs Béla screen
11:00 Encounters
Film portrait of Zsigmond Vilmos – free screening for all
Szeged District Studio of MTV (Hungarian Television), 1996, 23'
Csőke József screen
13:00 In Competition / Documentaries
The Invisible Frontier
Mexico, 2022, 84' Dir: Mariana Flores Villalba, DoP: Claudia Becerril Bulos
Béla Balázs Screen
14:40 In Competition / Short Films 55'
Sons of Róisin (Ireland, 2022, 10’) Apnea (Mexico, 2023, 20’) Caravan (Hungary, 2023, 26)’
Q&A with the filmmakers
Béla Balázs Screen
15:00 Student Films - 2. block
Haircut 11’, Passerby 9’, Victim of the Moon 21’, A kis hatalmasok 17’, Miután kihánytad a vattacukrot 11’
Csőke József screen
16:00 In Competition / Documentaries
Nem halok meg / I Won’t Die (16) Hungary, 2023, 92', Dir: Dér Aisa, DoP: Domokos Balázs
Q&A with the filmmakers
Balázs Béla screen
16:30 Week of Hungarian Cinematographers
Kálmán-nap / Kálmán’s Day
Hungarian drama, 2023, 71', Dir: Hajdu Szabolcs, DoP: Bántó Csaba
Csőke József screen
18:00 History on Celluloid
Book launch and Q&A - Lénárt András, Szabó Gábor
Moderator: Kovács Gellért
Csőke József screen
18:30 In Competition / Feature Films
Mesterjátszma / Mastergame (16) Hungarian pszichothriller, 2023, 90', Dir: Tóth Barnabás, DoP: Másik Szőke András
Q&A with the filmmakers
Balázs Béla screen
20:30 In Competition / Feature Films
Filo Hua Hum Argentin drama, 2024, 84', Dir: Ernesto Rowe, DoP: Nahuel Varela, Distributor: CINETREN, WORLD PREMIER
Q&A with the filmmakers
Balázs Béla screen
20:30 Week of Hungarian Cinematographers
Nyersanyag / Raw Material (12)
Hungarian drama, 2024, 108', Dir: Baross Martin, DoP: Bálint Dániel, Becsey Kristóf
Csőke József Screen
11 October
10.00 KIDsFEST
Zsigmond Vilmos screen
11:00 In Competition / Short Films 62'
Solo luna comprendera / The Moon Will Contain Us (Costa Rica/USA, 2023, 18’) Foto di gruppo / Group Picture (Italy, 2023, 17’) Borrowed Hands (Mexico, 2023,16’) The Hour Between Dog And Wolf (South-Korea, 2024, 11’)
Balázs Béla screen
13:00 In Competition / Short Films 67'
Kiáltás / Light Up (Hungary/Germany/Brazil, 2023, 21’) Semmi / Nothing (Hungary, 2023, 20’) Széllel szemben / Against the Wind (Hungary, 2023, 26')
Q&A with the filmmakers
Balázs Béla screen
14:40 In Competition / Feature Films
Elfogy a levegő / Without Air (12) Hungarian drama, 2023, 104', Dir: Moldovai Katalin, DoP: Táborosi András
Q&A with the filmmakers
Balázs Béla screen
16:30 Student Films - 3. block
Lány az emeleten / The Girl Upstairs 13’, Hiblihubli 13’, Dubhard 24’, Impasse (Zsákutca) 16’, Hassan 16'
Csőke József screen
17:00 In Competition / Documentaries
A boldogság ügynöke / Agent of Happiness (12) Bhutan/Hungary, 2024, 94', Dir: Arun Bhattarai, Zurbó Dorottya, DoP: Arun Bhattarai, Zurbó Dorottya
Q&A with the filmmakers
Balázs Béla screen
18:00 Week of Hungarian Cinematographers
Cirkusztestvérek / Circus Siblings
Hungarian documentary, 2023, 92', Dir: Halász Glória, DoP: Hatvani Balázs
Csőke József screen
20:00 Old Time Favourites
Whiplash (16)
American drama, 2014, 107', Dir: Damien Chazelle, DoP: Sharone Meir
Zsigmond Vilmos screen
20:00 In Competition / Feature Films
Libertate / Freedom '89 - Nagyszeben
Hungarian-Romanian historic drama, 2023, 109', Dir: Tudor Giurgiu, DoP: Alexandru Sterian
Balázs Béla screen
12 October
15:00 Closing Ceremony
Performance of the Béla Kövér Puppet Theatre
Award Ceremony
Zsigmond Vilmos screen
18:00 Screening of the freshly awarded films
Balázs Béla screen