Spin your Bloody Heads off

Hungary, 25', 2017
Director: Vízkeleti Dániel, Director of photography: Kiss Marcell

Screenplay: Vízkeleti Dániel, Schlachta Fruzsina

Music: The Dandylions-La petite mort, The Dandylions-Black Fence, The Dandylions-Lagoon, MelodiesEcho Chamber- Crystallized, aKing-Safe as Houses

Sound: Almásy Péter, Madácsi Imre, Horváth Andor Márton

Editor: Vargha Máté

Cast: Sedró Áron,Vécsi Tibor, Páya Pompónia, Feczesin Kristóf, Tóth András, Páll Zsolt Ákos, Kroó Balázs, Börcsök Enikő

Producer: Kovács Gábor

Nothing special happens on this night. Only the usual things that can happen in a small town: escaping from the dorm, drinking booze, smoking weed, vying with the best friend for the barmaid, hiding from the police, listening to an alcoholic philosophizing. But Shado unexpectedly realizes something important that will change his life a bit.