Hungary, 18', 2018
Director: Brauner Máté, Director of photography: Bálint Dániel
Screenplay: Brauner Máté, Ászity Boglárka
Music: Farkas Bence
Sound: Bodnár Dávid, Lehoczki Sámuel
Editor: Tokár Dániel
Cast: Rainer Micsinyei Nóra, Murányi Tünde, Váradi Eszter Sára, Kokas Piroska, Harsai Gábor, Nádasi László, Mészáros Máté, Sághy Kálmán, Szirmai Melinda
Producer: Angelusz Iván, Dreissiger László, Fekete Réka, Osváth Gábor
Lauretta is a 30-year-old cashier, who lives with her grumpy mother, who suddenly gets hospitalized. For the first time in her life, Lauretta is alone. When cleaning the house, she find something that turns her life and their relationship upside down.