Awards 2024

12 October 2024

Zsigmond Vilmos Award for Best Cinematography: APNEA – DoP: José Grimaldo, Dir.: Natalia Bermúdez

Best Feature Award: MOC (Hatalom) – DoP: Pálos Gergely, Dir.: Prikler Mátyás

Best Feature Award Special Mention: FILO HUA HUM – DoP: Nahuel Varela, Dir.: Ernesto Rowe

Best Feature Award Special Mention: ELFOGY A LEVEGŐ DoP: Táborosi András Dir.: Moldovai Katalin

Best Short Feature Award: TRIBU – DoP: Marino Pardo, Dir.: Carlos Gómez-Trigo

Best Short Feature Award Special Mention: KIÁLTÁS – DoP: Alícia Peres, Dir.: Elissa de Brito

Best Documentary Award: NEM HALOK MEG – DoP: Domokos Balázs, Dir.: Dér Asia

Best Documentary Special Mention: FANNI KERTJE – DoP, Dir.: Somogyvári Gergő

Best Documentary Special Mention: THE INVISIBLE FRONTIER – DoP: Claudia Becerril Bulos,Dir.: Mariana Flores Villalba

Critics' Choice Award: FANNI KERTJE – DoP, Dir.: Somogyvári Gergő

CinProCaS® Award for the best cinematographer: APNEA – Operatőr: José Grimaldo, Rendező: Natalia Bermúdez

Vantage Vision Award, Best Young Cinematographer: Lehr Juhász Péter DoP – ÁRNI, Dir.: Vermes Dorka 

Szeged Award: A BOLDOGSÁG ÜGYNÖKE – DoP, Dir.: Arun Bhattarai, Zurbó Dorottya

Student Jury Award: BORROWED HANDS –  Melissa Nocetti, Rendező/Dir.: Adrián Monroy Molina

Student Jury Award Special Mention: FILO HUA HUM – DoP: Nahuel Varela, rendező/Dir.: Ernesto Rowe

HCA Award: Lehr Juhász Péter DoP – ÁRNI, Dir.: Vermes Dorka

AHD Award: Pálos Gergely DoP – MOC (Hatalom), Dir.: Prikler Mátyás

Student Film Section Award: VICTIM OF THE MOON – DoP: Jakub Kaźmierczak, Rendező: Piotr Szubra

Student Film Section Award Special Mention: THE CATHEDRAL – DoP: Jan Sokala, Dir.: Jan Sokala & Katarzyna Kosajda

Posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award: MEDVIGY GÁBOR

Congratulations to all the cinematographers and filmmakers!